Jeremiah 2:13 "For (Our children) have committed two evils; They have forsaken (Us), the Fountain of Living Waters, and made themselves cisterns - broken cisterns that can hold no water."
I read this today. I read it and was instantly saddened by the truth of it. The truth that cannot be countered by the time it was written in or my state of being right now. It is truth for all the ages, in all times of our lives.
When we try to fill ourselves with something ... anything ... other than Him, then Them, we find ourselves at a lack. We find ourselves wanting more. We find ourselves addicted. An addict can never be satisfied.
This hunger will ultimately lead to our death. The death of hope. The death of life. Without flowing water, everything becomes stale. That is why I picked a burial jar for my picture today.
I am learning that I am found in Him, in Them. That everything in me, around me and coming to me, is from Their hand. I am learning that I don't need a jar or pot to draw from the well. For I am the pot! I am the jar!
He has come to "bind up the broken hearted" - He has come to mend me .... And He is.
John 4:14 "but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing (jumping, leaping) up into everlasting life."