Jesus, himself - the man, was virtually penniless.
He - the man, knew He had a Papa in heaven who loved him and supplied all his needs.
He had unshakable faith in that truth.
Then why would, I - a (wo)man, expect any more?
Should I be more important then He, that came into this world as the living tabernacle, to require a 'pay cheque' from The Father.
I wouldn't even want to presume .....
Matthew 19:22-24 (New International Version)
"When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Hi my precious Berean Daughter;
ReplyDeleteThe debate rages back and forth among Jesus Followers as to whether we're all called to the same behaviour as Jesus asked of the "Rich Young Ruler" you mention above.
We're each uniquely gifted in the Body of Christ. Some of us are even gifted with the ability to earn lots of money so that they can give lots away to those in need. It says so at http://is.gd/nUyx in the Bible.
I wonder though is anyone called to poverty? Is their a "Gift of Poverty" listed somewhere? Do we give everything away to Follow Jesus best unless we clearly have the Gift of Giving? I wonder ...?
In Christ,
Your loving Dad
Ahhhh, but the Life that Jesus had is not one of poverty! That is where our North American conditioning kicks in.
ReplyDeleteJesus's abundant life was one of faith! He was completely looked after, never lacking for anything.
The Father looked after Him everyday of His 33 years.
THAT is what I'm saying ... I don't require some sort of an amount to say that I am okay, because HE owns EVERYTHING! It might not look 'good' to the rest of the world. But, it's a 'lucky' thing I am not of that world!
Just to be clear too, I fully believe that it is okay for Christians to have money. I believe that many are blessed with lots, even loads, by Papa.
This entry was more of a personal monologue about my feelings on being asked about our situation again and again.
Thanks for the great comments!