We were all represented by a tree trunk. All strong as individuals, having our own struggles and triumphs. On our own though, we were just that - on our own.
So we came together. Turing, moving, growing together. Becoming one tree. Fortified, persevering, reaching up, producing fruit, being unified.
The driving force behind this growing tree, the force inside the tree, the very thing that feeds the tree is Life ... Jesus. He brings us together. In vulnerability, we intertwine with each other, creating something new, something more intimate than before. Something stronger. Together we will reach new heights. Together we will find more growth, more fruit than we would have on our own. Together we can reach further. Fulfilling the call for each of our lives because each of us needs another and another to help us move forth and up.
The old and the young come together, both needed to bring balance to the tree. As new wood grows over the old bark, our foundations are built upon the generations before. Your wisdom, knowledge and depth helps younger women to stand, to maintain strength of our own. One cannot live without the other. If the old bark is left on the tree, it will become brittle. If the tree stays young and new, it will be weak, not able to stand. Together, we are unified. The young in turn, will become the old and what was passed on will bring forth another powerful generation.
Each generation that comes will be more and more unified, intertwined and alive. Alive in Him and alive in the now joined calling of fulfilling our purposes. The destinies that were meant to come together. Like the puzzle pieces that all fit perfectly, to make a bigger picture, we all share a common goal.
A family, a bride, together being groomed for our bridegroom.
He's calling. Reach forth, grab a hand close to you and move together.