Here we are again ... Joined by words, by a common heartbeat and by love. I hope this touches you and brings to you peace and hope in your situation.
I received this word a while ago and feel that I am to post it now. I had asked the question to Papa, "Why does it seem that it is so hard for so many people right now (in their lives)?"
His answer:
"Because the gloves are off! I am no longer waiting around for the enemy to slaughter anymore of My children. I am hitting him back with all I have. I am going after the gusto. Not pulling any punches. I want freedom and I want it now!
A new day is dawning. A new army is rising up. Many will feel as if I am dragging them through it - I am! No longer am I willing to wait - I want freedom.
And so, I am bringing it! Yes, it is still a choice, but many of you made that choice many years ago and I am holding you to it now. My army needs to get out of the barracks and into the fight!
(I instantly saw the scene in Navy Seals when all the training soldiers line up each day to wait on anyone who wants to ring the bell and get out of training.)
"You will not ring that bell! None of you are going to fall or fail! I am here! I am calling out your destinies. I am in charge of everything and I want your hearts, your very souls. No one is going to take you from Me - not even you, yourself. I have you and I am keeping you.
Be encouraged, for My love is all you need.I am cleaning up the cob webs. I am making you perfect. No more fear will remain. Out of the darkness, light will appear. Glory, freedom, a reigning Kingdom of Hope, goodness and truth. Spread the word - Life is here! We are on the threshold and I am going to carry My Bride across it. Come into more intimacy with Me. Come, drink the new wine. You are all My beauties! You are all Mine! Hallelujah! I am here - it has come."
I was directed to some scriptures after receiving this word. Deuteronomy 32: 10 - 12, Psalm 9: 9, 10 and Joshua 1: 2 - 4. In the land of promise, there can still be wilderness. I believe it is essential! In the wilderness, our faith is born and strenthened. Brought to a place that cannot be shaken anymore.
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